No matter what happens, no matter what they say or do..... [View all]
....they can't take our humanity away.
(They know who they are, by the way. The bullies and assholes, the baiters and apologists for rape, sexism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, and violence against oppressed groups, not to mention for oppression and privilege itself. But I will not waste words on them here.)
All of us-feminists and allies of feminists, women and men, cis and trans gendered, straight and gay, white, black, and brown alike-ought to remember that at the end of the day, despite our differences and different experiences and differing viewpoints...
....we are all human beings, each deserving of respect, dignity, and whose lives ought to be valued. We are not mere means to ends, but ends in of themselves. That goes for ALL of us.
Do not let them ever get you down. That's their problem, not yours. Encourage each other, hold each other accountable, and be bold and courageous in fighting against injustice and oppression.
My $0.02 for today.