Gun Control & RKBA
In reply to the discussion: NRA's Wayne LaPierre warns that group may be "shut down forever" thanks to Democrats. [View all]keithbvadu2
(40,826 posts)NRA Cuts More Operating Costs-and Lavishes Executives With Perks
The NRA Is Being Sued Over Its Relentless Telemarketing Campaigns
When begging for bucks goes wrong.
The NRA has employed InfoCision since 2012 under a contract that grants the fundraising company up to 65 percent of the funds it raises on the NRAs behalf. InfoCision gets between $2.50 and $3.75 for each completed call to potential NRA donors, and up to half of the regular payments for new or renewed NRA memberships.
If those high fees are unavoidable, they can also have the effect of obscuring, for a potential donor, exactly where his or her money is going. Many of those speaking with an InfoCision fundraiser, after all, will not know that a majority of their donation is not going to the charity that fundraiser is representing.
NRA solicitations
comment from a blog - (DU I think)
I had a coworker who was a big time gun owner who kept a gun in every room in the house just in case someone broke in (lots of problems with that idea, may be worth a blog article someday, but thats what he did). He even went so far as to start buying more guns for each room after a school shooting, like home invasion and mass shooting are correlated somehow. He had let his NRA membership lapse and refused to renew it because he got tired of nonstop requests for donations. To him all the membership did was give the NRA to badger him for more money with phone calls, and direct mailings. If the
organization is as strapped for cash as it appears, those solicitations may have gone way over the top and people are simply tired of being badgered for money and are choosing to let their membership to lapse.