Legal CBD Vape Oil and Other Products? Thoughts/Experiences? [View all]
New to this group and I apologize if other threads have already addressed this topic.
I live in a state where marijuana is currently illegal. I have seen on the internet a wide variety of different companies selling CBD oils and edibles claiming that they are 100% legal in all 50 U.S. states. From the research I have done it seems that they are, in fact, completely legal as they are derived from hemp and contain little to no THC.
I have a back condition from when I was younger that flares up from time to time and was thinking that this might help. I have a good amount of experience with smoking flower and eating edibles made from flower for recreational use mostly, but have noticed that at times when I had back pain that flower helped me.
I have went to my doctor in the past and at first he prescribed me a couple different prescription drugs (one being vicodin which I didn't want to take over long term for fear of dependency) but I would prefer to use something more natural when I need pain relief. I also was wondering they might help with stress or anxiety, which I wouldn't mind occasional relief from too.
I have read already that there are some companies selling products that use synthetic chemicals to mimic the effects of CBD and/or THC, and to be weary of the company that you buy products like this from because of the lack of regulation.
I was wondering if anyone on here has had experience using these products and could give me insight into their effectiveness at pain relief, and sources for companies that sell lab tested trustworthy products.
Thanks for any, and all, input in advance.