Another bullshit THC "study" [View all]
Cannabis consumption may alter smokers' DNA structure, potentially causing mutations that may expose them to severe illnesses, scientists have said. Worse still, this could increase the risk of cancers and foetal malformations for their offspring.
In previous epidemiological studies, the link between cannabis and cancer in adults and children, as well as foetal malformations had already been established.....
.....Chromosome segregation
The scientists, from the University of West Australia, conducted an extensive review of scientific literature. They discovered that THC - the active chemical compound in cannabis - interferes with the segregation of chromosomes during cell division.
...Passed on to children
"Even if a mother has never used cannabis in her life, the mutations passed on by a father's sperm can cause serious and fatal illnesses in their children," Reece says. "The parents may not realise that they are carrying these mutations, which can lie dormant and may only affect generations down the track, which is the most alarming aspect."...
Think of the children!!!!