Does Cannabis really protect humans from Covid? [View all]
Lots of hullaballoo this week of this study-
I wanted to link to the pub med article but cannot get it
to upload (Can single-degree temps mess with cable/internet uploads?)
The initial laboratory study published on Wednesday in the Journal of Natural Products was conducted by researchers at Oregon States Global Hemp Innovation Center. They found that two chemical compounds in hempcannabigerolic acid, or CBGA, and cannabidiolic acid, or CBDAbound to the coronavirus spike proteins, which allow the virus to enter human cells.
These two compounds are found in the raw form- Bud or flower that has not been decarboxylated (the conversion to the psychoactive compound by adding heat; smoking/ extracting)
Of these two compounds, I believe CBGA can be found in Delta 8. D8 is fairly new to the market and I haven't looked into it. I'm not sure how it is extracted.
I get this raw compound by blending green leaf in my smoothies or else Vitamixing into ice cubes.
Maybe it can be garnered by tincturing in vodka?