Saw White Bird yesterday. I have seen no press regarding this movie, no awareness at all. So
I went just because nothing else interested me at the closest theatres near me and I needed
a break in the middle of the day.
Anyway, this movie should be nominated for best movie, best screenplay and best acting for
the two leads who are probably in their late teens. Helen Mirren is also in the movie and could
be nominated for Best Supporting Actress.
Helen Mirren plays a grandmother who comes to her grandson's house. He's a young teenager
who's been kicked out of school for bullying another student. She decides to tell him what her
life was like so that he could learn the long term consequences of bad behavior. The movie
then goes back to her life when the holocaust was starting and goes on from there. Mirren's
younger self is played by a wonderful young actress who gets involved with a young boy.
I don't want to say anymore about the movie other than that I was periodically in tears and/or
sobbing because it was so moving. At the end I couldn't move.
Why aren't the critics talking about this?