he was comforting, but i hoped he would offer to reach out but didnt.
we had a nice long chat, and basically, said the same as above. that he has to want do it, and he has to do it.
i messaged him on his bday, earlier this month. and he didnt reply to my messages.
i paid his rent for the month. no thanks.
so, hoping things that i said will soak in w time.
trying to figure what comes next.
i also did talk to the mom of the gf that he had. she is the one who bailed him out. they had a big thing, then she flipped out. she got 30 days in the psyche ward, and decided he was literally the devil.
and since i raised him, i must be one too.
she ended up w some of his things and wants me to pay her back for the bail money, and damage to her car to get his stuff back. i did chat w her, but...
not sure where the stuff is. mom thinks it might be in a shed at her place, but it might be in the daughter's store room. i think mom will give it back if she has it.
have to poke her, cuz she couldnt get to the shed w all the snow we had here.
not sure if getting his things back will help or hurt. there is a native american flute in there that would be good to get back to him. dont think he cares a lot about any of the other stuff.
not sure if it will only make him angry all over about her.
but sometimes digging up old anger allows it to dissipate in a way that keeping it in never will. so, if i get the stuff, i will pack it up and mail it to him.
have passed messages to the other kids, through dad, to encourage them to reach out. but they are tired of it all. he spews quite a bit of bile when confronted at all, even if it is done w kindness.
i'll keep looking for a crack to let the light in. moms dont give up.