It must be nerve rattlingly demoralizing for many feds these days with the morally corrupt moron we have occupying the WH. Hang in there. He'll be gone sooner than later.
Reagan started that shit by delaying the COLA 3 months for 4 years in a row while he was in office. Then he did something called "grade-bulge reduction" which reduced the pay grade pf thousands of federal employees. The goal was demoralization of the workforce and consequent attrition. Attacking government by attacking and chasing off it's employees.
Can't remember details about Bush Sr., Clinton, and HW, but Obama's 3 year freeze on COLAs took the cake and still frosts me. They came during my last 3 years prior to retiring and, consequently, affected my pension substantially since it was to be based on the average of my highest 3 years of salary which, for most -- including me, tends to be one's last 3 years. His reasoning -- everyone should share in the pain caused by the 2008-09 stock market collapse. Never-mind that my retirement investments also took a big hit (-30+%) at the time. He almost bought into and implemented the "chained COLA" concept as well; a sure road to deeper poverty for those dependent on SS or federal pensions.
If and when we win the WH back again, no Democratic Party President should ever make moves that affect the working/middle class negatively in the hopes of assuaging Rs who he/she mistakenly thinks he/she can work with again. To do so would be absolutely naive and irresponsible -- and may just lose whatever is left of the working class' loyalty to the party forever.