But, my point is that the type of attorneys you mention are not going to do enough to take care of this. That has been the result so far. It will take the kind of attorney that I cannot afford to make this happen.
Let me give you an example of what I mean. I have been in a few situations where I went to my doctor to see about dealing with some pain issues. They referred me to a 'pain clinic', all the while telling me that they cannot prescribe any pain medications. The pain clinic will always refuse me because I use cannabis. So, no pain meds for anything ever. Yet, the guy who owns our house goes to his doctor... his primary care physician... and he can get a script for opioid meds with no problem. Why? Well I go to a clinic... he goes to some expensive private doctor. That is why. Money talks and nothing else walks. Because he spent somewhere around $300,000 on his health last year (he is a hypochondriac and will run to the emergency room because he has the sniffles), they love him and want to keep him 'happy'. There is nothing in this country that isn't two-tiered. There is the country that the rich live in and there is the one that the rest of us live in. The fact that the rich want us to believe that we live in the same country is a testament to the human ability to be deluded. But, when one lives in a bubble, one only sees what is inside.
So, I am wasting my time because they are not going to give me squat. Ever. They want me to disappear so that they can make a grab for that nice SS pot of billions. But it won't be billions if they keep on giving it away to lowly peons like me. So, they won't.