History of Feminism
In reply to the discussion: This message was self-deleted by its author [View all]freshwest
(53,661 posts)Last edited Thu Apr 30, 2015, 08:40 PM - Edit history (1)
So they always yank this one out of the cellar, to 'splain' to women and all other minorities, but leave out their very pointed role in excluding those groups. I've been an organizer and found racism and sexism leads to bad things in such 'income equality' groups.
But you see, the white male does not want to hear that, denies it is a problem. Those concerns are for the lesser folks, the invisible ones who elected Obama twice. Bill O'Reilly on election night was truly stunned and horrified, in wonder of where all those voters had come from, although we saw they lined up all day long to vote, those POC.
O'Reilly couldn't believe there were so many POC who would brave the hurdles to vote. Well, there are plenty of women and POC who were kicked around by these older groups who still keep trying to sell us their great brand. But the damage has been done, and inot forgotten, much less forgiven, for they stole the income of POC and women and it had lifelong effects. The banksters, etc. didn't do this to us, it was the friendly pat on the back with a knife in it!
Then these guys are gonna preach to us now? They should save their breath as they are still talking down to us, so arrogant.
There was a thread in the AA group, 'Do you know why a lot of non blacks are hesitant around black people?' They wanted the reasons why. I didn't post the reply as I was going to edit more, but after answering that question, I was going to ask this question:
'Do you know why a lot of whites are hesitant around white people?'
My answer was, and this comes from experience at school, work, business deals like buying a car or getting a repair, dealing with men working on my house when I had one, and countless other venues (heck, just walking down the street can get a female massive disrespect for no good reason, but that's beside the point).
I was going to answer the question I was asking, because it is about things one does not forget:
I feel more comfortable with POC. Even though I get warnings to not be so open with them.
Why is this, other than they had more empathy about poverty and hard times and things that cannot be healed or fixed, only lived thorugh, talked honestly to me a human being. even though who were far above me in education, social position and power, or not, always displayed a sense of comraderie, and in many cases, were my spiritual leaders?
Goodgodalmighty, who is wise?
BY FAR the people in my life who have... And I won't mince words:
Is it:
Probability? (lived in mixed areas)
Gender? (female persuasion)
Insane level of competitiveness?
Just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time?
No, it's those who have played the income equality gig to benefit themselves and left us out.
In real, economic terms, we were the ones told to STFU and accept the crumbs like dogs beneath THEIR table, as they regarded it as their creation. So they pulled the ladder up behind them. We were just moochers on their struggle, couldn't possibly earn or deserve a seat at their table.
They had a lot of noble things to say, but didn't stand up for OUR equal rights, no, they weaseled out of seeing us as EQUALS, so much they voted Reagan in office to stop those damn 'affirmative action/ quotas' etc.
They HURT us in economic terms. We had not attacked them in any way. They left the groups we were in because they felt we were so INFERIOR despite our being able to do the work.
We worked our asses off with all the desperation that we were all living under the 'last hired and first fired' rule. They said for a long time that we denigrated their club. They were in favor of privatization even back in the 1980s so they wouldn't have to be bothered with us anymore!
All we wanted was an equal chance to prove ourselves and support our families. How do you expect us to feel dealing with this here?*
*Wait, that's a rhetorical question. I wrote how I feel already. And I'm not about to listen to those who made sure I could not get any further ahead, about their highly touted income equality.
If Bernie is the nominee, I will vote for him. But like the HRC and BHO split in 2008, it's the supporters who are the problem.
I don't want the type I've seen here ruling over us, telling us lesser folks, the lumpenproletariat, how it all should be done. They never had a place for us at the table. We were out of the loop and didn't realize they didn't mean what they said.
I remember walking out after aruging in a YSA course as part of the group on my college campus, about native american genocide. The instructor and all the students said that it didn't matter, since the evolution of society required the USA to be capitalist, then turn socialist and then communist.
That's some cold hearted stuff, right there. I do not excuse that no more than I do this analysis. Those who are being so overbearing and dismissive to Democrats, you own this, if you honestly think about how you treate us here. There are many exceptions to the rule, but look at the list:
Democrats fall under the labels listed as many POC and women do and are considered useless in that piece. It explains the elitism of some groups, and when we attended a meeting of my local SWP and the *cough, cough* white men high up in the group took my and S.O. to a back room for a meeting. They explained how when the revolution happened, they would be the new *ruling elite.*
Now some demand we wait on their revolution by not voting for anyone but their brand, while people are dying. Well, those who are about to die salute you, oh mighty ones, with the third finger!
Although I believe in democratic socialism of the Scandinavian variety, which sees all as equal within their nation (the problem with nationalism, as what goes on in the lands on the other side of the planet will rise up and bite us all in the tail eventually, a discussion for another day), and I was angry about that, I remained with them as a member of SWP because their anti-war stance, and organized people to vote for them. Such that my district voted SWP in one election year for POTUS. I might add, I was drawn to the local group because unlike groups like NOW, they did welcome women who were POC, but eventually they decided they could hot wait for the revolution and joined ACORN and became Democrats. For those of us with an awful lot of 'skin in the game' can't wait for the holy revolution. We need to work on our needs right now, as the Democratic Party does. Really, no one has the right to tell those who are under the knife that they are our allies, when they refuse to listen to us!
That's it, more than you want, and you never answer me, so perhaps a member of HOF will be so kind as to comment.
Lawdy, stop me before I post again?
I have decided since I am saying some things that make people think, and that comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable, and don't indulge flamers, (Bucket! Thanks, Obama!), that I appear to draw a lot of knee jerk ugly replies.
How I long for a few of those seven-second thoughts...