"Justice Ginsburg and Women’s Legal History at AALS" » [View all]
This is my first visit to the Lounge, and I want to thank Al and Dan and the crew for inviting me to post. As the outgoing chair of the AALS Section on Legal History, I thought I would begin with some shameless promotion of the fantastic panel on womens legal history we have at AALS this coming Saturday afternoon. This is a joint program with the Section on Women in Legal Education (chaired by my friend and colleague, Kirsten Davis), and is co-sponsored by the Section on Constitutional Law. Many readers will know already that the highlight of the panel (and of the conference) is a conversation with Justice Ginsburg, hosted by Wendy Williams. Justice Ginsburg has been called the Thurgood Marshall of womens rights, and while that moniker elides important differences in history, context, personality, etc., it certainly captures the significance of her role. I will reserve a future post to explore some thoughts on what is said at the AALS program, but it is particularly fitting to have the Justice at this joint program since, in addition to her pivotal role in the modern history of womens rights, she was also a founder of the Section for Women in Legal Education and a trailblazer for women in our profession, as this paper by Herma Hill Kay, this years recipient of the Women in Legal Education sections Ruth Bader Ginsburg Lifetime Achievement Award, sets out so well. As I discuss below the fold, Justice Ginsburgs work sets the stage for the full program on the field of womens legal history.
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