Meet The Three Female Medical Students Who Destroyed Gender Norms A Century Ago [View all]
(What's with these misleading titles? These women are incredible, and are a part of history that we don't hear about because woman, but "destroying gender norms"? I think not. Still, a very compelling story--Love the picture)
From the Drexel University Archives and Special Collections.
The photograph -- doing rounds this time thanks to Jaipreet Virdi-Dhesi, a Ph.D. student who posted the photograph on her blog after stumbling on it while researching 19th century ear surgery -- is remarkable enough to warrant the fuss. The three magnificently dressed ladies were students at the Womens Medical College of Pennsylvania, snapped at a Deans reception, in 1885.
If the timing doesn't seem quite right, that's understandable. In 1885, women in the U.S. still couldn't vote, nor were they encouraged to learn very much. Popular wisdom decreed that studying was a threat to motherhood. Women who went to college, wrote the Harvard gynecologist Edward H. Clarke in 1873, risked neuralgia, uterine disease, hysteria, and other derangements of the nervous system, such as infertility. Because, went Clarke's reasoning, in a classic bit of mansplaining titled "Sex In Education," a womans system never does two things well at the same time.
So how did our seemingly non-hysterical trio wind up inside a medical school? And that too, from thousands of miles away?
In a report last year for PRIs The World -- which seems to go viral annually -- Christopher Woolf credits unsung heroes for making the situation possible: the Quakers, who believed in womens rights enough to set up the WMCP way back in 1850 in Germantown.
"Its a reminder just how exceptional America was in the 19th century," Woolf writes. "We often spend so much time remembering all the legitimately bad things in U.S. history. But compared to the rest of the world, America was this inspirational beacon of freedom and equality."