where we really excel in this group, what makes us popular [View all]
the way our hosts runs our group, and our expectations.
respect. all we really are looking for is a peaceful place to sit with a cup of coffee and chat about ideas. in the mean time, maybe a little strategics and planning how to push forth agenda. (dont be afraid. i am talking the political agenda. ok, political agenda in rl, our govt. state elections. laws. ect.... )
but, this kinda goes with my point. there are problems. what does one do with problems? ignore? nah... never works for those in my life who really really wants to ignore and hope it goes away. hmmm, talk about them, explore the isssue, find solutions, and implement?
i think i digressed. oh noes!!11!!!!1 that may be hideable. lol. ya. chip still there.
so, i look at our Ops over the couple years. and we have so many diverse conversations and on different issues. granted, ... are you ready for this kit...., from the womans eye.
that is all we did in this forum. that is all the we created. we talk about a number of issues. always... congress, political, legal, social, media. all wrapped around and from... womens eyes. cause it is our experience and our voice. what we do not get in most all of the world. and this is a glaring example of the repercussion of talking a womans language. but, it gives us experience. because we have women stepping up to the plate in a political sense, thru out the nation and nationally.
my life is all about the universal. it so perfectly fits. now.... MUSIC
i LUV this and it is all in the attitude of this woman singing. what a huge, giggle.