I have just returned from the polls, voting for a strong pro-feminist, pro choice man running [View all]
in a special election for state senator.
When I got this man's campaign literature, I noted right away that his top priorities were pro woman, pro choice and pro pre K education! I was impressed! Far from backing off from women's issues, he embraced them strongly as his top concerns. Lots of women worked on his campaign, calling and organizing, and we were visited be at least two of our neighbors to ask for our support. Our Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro offered her strong support, as did Governor Malloy, in robocalls to GOTV.
In his campaign he has explained that being raised by a single mother influenced the way he feels now about the problems women face in our society.
I cannot tell you how proud I am to have such men running for office! It stands in stark contrast to the mess we have on DU today. There couldn't have been a greater contrast than my receiving his campaign literature after having my concerns so coldly dismissed, with "I won't read your question." No "profile in courage" award is ever given for such timidity.
So when we look around and say where are the good, strong men who aren't afraid to step up and speak out on the behalf of all women, I had to look no further than my own state senate district. At the same time, I am immensely proud of the good strong men who HAVE stepped up here at DU, because I know they will get abusive or dismissive treatment as a result. Yet they did it anyway. That is courage. That is liberalism and progressivism and decency.