That if it is made illegal to discriminate on the basis of gender, or pay women less than men for the same job, or women get the right to vote, we have achieved equality. Which is a load of nonsense, as anyone with eyes can see with regards to race. We have to change our culture too, and that meets with a lot more resistance than even equal pay laws and non-discrimination laws, neither of which are without plenty of resistance as it is. Men have to change what they think is acceptable. There's no two bones about it, they have to change their part of our culture to make it unacceptable to objectify women, unacceptable to put being women/feminine as lesser ("you throw like a girl; don't cry, are you a girl?"
they have to do their bit as progressives. Well, we see how well that goes over with a certain segment of DU; they have no intention of giving up their privileges and their pleasures, a very Republican mind-set if you ask me.
The covers of semi-nude models aren't bad because they are semi-nude or because they aren't athletes - they're bad because of what being saturated by those types of images do to our young women and men. It is bad because it harms equality on a cultural basis - because it harms girls and young women mentally, and because of what it teaches boys and young men. The guys on DU who defend these covers are like the 1% who do not want to pay more in taxes even if it would help society and wouldn't hurt them, and the women who support them are like blue-collar Republicans who refuse to see that what the 1%-ers are doing is hurting them, just on the off chance that they themselves may become a 1%-er.