Mandatory breastfeeding for two years, punishable by law. WARNING - HOF THREAD!! [View all]
Is this the next step for U. S. women as well?
Women in the United Arab Emirates must breastfeed their children, or their husbands could sue them, according to a new law.
The legislation passed this month, requires all able Emirati women to breastfeed their children for at least two years.
The Federal National Council included a clause in the new Child Rights Law which states that it is a human right for a child to be breast fed, and that nursing is now mandatory.
The Council said that it was the right of all children to be breastfed up to the age of two, and that it is a duty and not an option for any woman able to do so.
I realize it's the Daily Mail, and therefore probably full of shit, but with the way things are moving in America with regard to women's reproductive rights, could this be next? Breastfeeding is perfectly good and holy, but mandating it for two full years will sure tie a woman down to hearth and home, won't it? Seems like subjugation to me, and entirely in character with the current spiral toward denying agency to women. The American Taliban has quite a bag of tricks lined up, and nothing surprises me anymore.