6 reasons female nudity can be powerful [View all]
The article is more interesting than the title suggests. It also fits in perfectly with the thread about banning breastfeeding at Victoria's Secret: Non-sexualized images of female nudity are seen, according to the author, as "threatening and destablizing" in contrast to sexualized images produced and approved by patriarchal power.
Last week, in the midst of what appears to be infinite fascination about Lena Dunhams nudity, I saw a fundraiser for the documentary Free the Nipple and also, by coincidence, talked to Facebook spokespeople about that companys ban on visible female nipples. Like the reporter who recently asked Dunham why her Girls character was often naked at random times for no reason, many people seem confounded by expressions of female nudity that are not sexual because isnt titillation the whole point of womens nakedness? The real question about female nudity isnt why anyone would want to show or see womens breasts if theyre not titillating. The real question is about who has the right to say what theyre for, where and when they can be seen and by whom. Thats about power. . .
Why is exposing the world to non-sexualized female nudity important?
1. Women too often are made to embody male power, honor and shame. Its not good for us. Our bodies, and the bodies of people who are gender fluid and non-binary conforming, are sites of moral judgment in ways most mens are not, especially in public and in protest. Some of us experience our bodies, in particular our nudity, as objects of repression, oppression and powerlessness. Representing them as no ones but our own, counter to prevailing representations, is important.
2. Female public nudity is usually treated as a moral offense, a cause for concern and discussion, but its rarely allowed to be a source of non-sexual female power. Male nudity is an entirely different thing. When your average (straight) man is seen nude or semi-nude, its often considered humorous, as in frat boys streaking. Or its a sign of virility and athleticism. When its not, for example, the jarring images of the torture of Iraqi men in Abu Ghraib, men vulnerable, humiliated and in pain are feminized by their nakedness.
3. Female nudity is not just about sexualization, its about maintaining social hierarchies, like those of race and class. Non-idealized female bodies used autonomously undermine a continuous narrative about body-based sex and race differences. When our cultural production is singularly focused on hyper-gendered, racialized and sexualized representations of nudity, it is easier to maintain racist and sexist ideas and nude female bodies outside socially approved, sexualized contexts challenge those."