IMO chauvinism is a manifestation of misogyny. [View all]
In another thread here the author writes the following:
Misogyny, according to Merriam-Webster, is a hatred of women. Thats it. Nothing subtle, just a hatred of women. Unfortunately, the word is often applied in situations where its not really warranted. People may confuse chauvinism (an attitude of superiority toward members of the opposite sex) with misogyny, or simply not understand it means a person who hates, not just a person who thinks theyre better than someone else.
This kind of minimization is understandable, given how vigorously most people shout down anyone attempting to discuss feminist issues, and how viciously many people argue against raising awareness of the same.
The truth is that chauvinism (an outdated term which in this context is better described as sexism) is one of many manifestations of misogyny. It's true that it's not as severe as physically abusing women, raping women, etc. However, it is based on the same patriarchal belief that women are less than men.
We can draw distinctions between sexism/chauvinism and misogyny, etc. However they aren't entirely separate. Misogyny is more than its dictionary definition.
Encouragingly, an Australian dictionary has updated its definition.