32 Powerful And Brutally Honest Tweets From #LifeOfAMuslimFeminist [View all]
The hashtag #lifeofamuslimfeminist began trending on Twitter Friday, and provided a “snippet of how badass, ruthless and honest, Muslim women” are.
Twitter user, @YxxngHippie, started the hashtag #lifeofamuslimfeminist to discuss the difficulties and complexities of being a Muslim feminist.
Within hours, the hashtag #lifeofamuslimfeminist blew up on Twitter with several Muslim women contributing.
Their personal and brutally honest tweets provided a compelling perspective on Muslim feminism.
Here are some of the most insightful tweets from the trend:
( I only included a few--incredible stuff)
نورالعين شاحد@
YxxngHippie Follow
White fems want to pull your hijab off and 'liberate' you and Muslims tell you you don't need feminism #lifeofamuslimfeminist
9:52 AM - 10 Jan 14
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Ainee Fatima@Faineemae Follow
If only men obsessed over the education, health and justice of Muslim women like they obsess over Hijab #lifeofamuslimfeminist
1:53 PM - 10 Jan 14
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Noor يحيى Amr@noor3amoor Follow
Dear FEMEN: Your pasty tits don't liberate me. #lifeofamuslimfeminist
11:57 AM - 10 Jan 14
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n.s@nsyakiras Follow
white feminists simply love malala yet will not stand in solidarity with other muslim women #lifeofamuslimfeminist
10:33 AM - 10 Jan 14
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Aniqah@AniqahC Follow
Just because I don't wear the hijab doesn't mean I won't loudly defend my sisters who do. Don't try that crap with me #lifeofamuslimfeminist
2:41 PM - 10 Jan 14
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MiraMira@caramelwithsalt Follow
Muslim feminism defined by South Asian and Middle Eastern experiences. Black Muslim women are invisible. #lifeofamuslimfeminist
10:19 AM - 10 Jan 14
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Fatihah (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻@Hijabinist Follow
Getting lectures on how your hijab isn't "correct" by brothers who clearly missed the memo about lowering your gaze #lifeofamuslimfeminist
2:54 PM - 10 Jan 14
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