Tonight @OccupySandy's Red Hook team hosted a meeting where... [View all]
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Dicey @DiceyTroop
Tonight @OccupySandy's Red Hook team hosted a meeting where a Mayor's rep, the Nat'l Guard, & NYPD all got on stack w/ community leaders.
Retweeted by Asher Wolf
Dicey @DiceyTroop
Retweeted by Asher Wolf
Dicey @DiceyTroop
Another photo from after tonight's meeting, while we were picking the National Guard's brains.
@OccupySandy #SandyAid
Dicey @DiceyTroop
It's all a lot to handle. I do think it's important to note: they came to our turf, followed our process, and asked what we needed. #boom
Retweeted by Stop The Wars
For any who do not know, getting on stack is putting your name on a list of people who will get to speak on any current topic being discussed at a General Assembly, in the order in which their names were NYPD is following the OWS speaking format, of horizontal, participatory democracy. Genuinely amazing and heartening!