My God Are People Really That Vile? [View all]
I ran into a person I knew (slightly) in high school on FB, we “friended” each other and talked at little bit at one point I think she may have been coming on to me but I made it crystal clear that I was happily married and after making some snarky remarks about some perceived suggestive comments I had made she backed off.
So about 2 months ago she “unfriended” me and I asked her if I had done something to offend her. She told me it wasn’t personal just that she felt that some of my “friends” were haters and she didn’t want to read their crap on my wall. At the time she made it clear that she wanted to keep in touch and that she still considered me a “friend”. So I PM’d her a few times and basically kept friendly relations (I thought) up.
Yesterday something she posted popped up on my “wall”. I commented and all hell broke loose.
To be clear she commented a line from “Already gone” about living your life in chains and not knowing you have the key and my comment was “And I’mmmmmmm already gone”.
Two hours after I commented I got a PM from her asking WTF was wrong W/ me, telling what a vile bastard I was and calling me a bully and telling me that I was “mean”. She ended the PM by telling me that she wanted nothing to do with me and had absolutely no interest in my opinion on anything. She also told me I should have gotten the hint when she “unfriended” me (even though she told me at the time that it wasn’t personal and explicitly stated that she want to keep in contact with me? I must be denser than I thought not to have picked up those signals) but since I didn’t I was now blocked.
It’s not like I had a lot vested in this “friendship” any way and I am positive I am better off w/out her ever marginally “in my life” but the viciousness of her attack just floored me. I’m left wondering what in the hell I ever did to offend her that badly. Based on some of the things she told me I’m convinced that she’s a little unbalanced (to say the least) but my God she just started spewing venom out of nowhere.
I think the main reason it unsettled me so much is because I’m now left wondering did I really do something vile enough to piss someone off that badly? And if I did, what?
In her case I guess I’ll never know.