The real cause of the Conn shooting: Vaccines!!!! [View all]
Tenpenny blames vaccines for Newtown shooting
December 18, 2012
Dear Reader,
Yesterday, I posted some thoughts on rampage violence right here at SkewedD. In the comments section I stated that I could not stomach the thought of relating some of the offensive, ill-informed, and frankly disgusting nonsense being perpetuated by the anti-vaccination movement in regard to this event. But it has gone too far for me not to mention at this point.
If you are unfamiliar with Sherri Tenpenny, she is licensed D.O. who practices in Cleveland, Ohio, at the Tenpenny Integrative Medical Center. I would like to note that D.O.s are fully credentialed medical practitioners and are not quacks like homeopaths. However, Tenpenny is a special breed of her own. She is an ardent anti-vaxxer who also holds several other peculiar beliefs. For example, she likes to cite articles by AIDS denialists, allows threats against organizations that promote vaccination to stand on her page, and states that public health practitioners and physicians are the enemy. So my reader is probably familiar with her antics to some degree.
But this? This really takes the cake in the Batshit Olympics.
Sad part? Probably plenty here that would agree with this bullshit.