Once again, you are "explaining away" anti-Semitism under the guise of "well, they don't really understand it". That you don't equate anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism, and seemingly, can't see how it could be, tells me what I need to know about your remarks: you decide what is and isn't anti-Semitism based on your own observations. That is not how it works. You further try to justify others anti-Semitism based on their own ignorance; it is not a legitimate excuse.
The Jewish people have a right to self-determination like every other group, especially a minority group. It is an act of hypocrisy to advocate for the self-determination of the Palestinian people, then claim the same of the Jews is akin to "White supremacy", a term you have used multiple times in this thread, again, I believe, another indicator of your views.
I do not believe all criticism of Israel or even Zionism is inherently anti-Semitic. Much of the time, it probably isn't. However, it doesn't negate there is still some criticism that does cross into anti-Semitism, and when it comes from the left, it should be called out as vigorously and as often as when it comes from the right.
I have thought long and hard and had many more arguments laid out, but I don't think it would much matter. Therefore, I will state this in very clear terms:
Making excuses for anti-Semitism, denying anti-Semitism, or minimizing anti-Semitism is unacceptable and, is in of itself, anti-Semitic. It will NOT be tolerated in the Jewish Group!
You have not put forth any reasonable argument, only excuses, to claim anti-Semitism on the left is almost "non-existent", if that. You continue to provide "reasons" that some on the left are accused of anti-Semitism without distinguishing if they are putting forth anti-Semitic rhetoric, and given this last post, I would wager you don't think
any criticism of Zionism is anti-Semitic, and would also guess you probably think the same about
any criticism of Israel
never being anti-Semitic.
Therefore, this discussion is pointless and
any further claims, implied or direct, that Zionism is the same or near "White supremacy" and you will be blocked from the group. Denying the Jews the same right other minority groups are granted is bigotry. Period.