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In reply to the discussion: Are you Keeping Up with Rosie? [View all]NJCher
(38,553 posts)I watched Libby (Maighstir Tarot) and quite frankly, was on the edge of my seat for the entire reading. If she is on to something, we are indeed headed for an earthshaking surprise. Her reading is based on the much talked about conversation between Obama and trump. Consequently, I searched and watched the following, trying to get a read on it:
--lipreading analysis of the conversation between Obama and trump at Jimmy Carters funeral
There are two kinds: a) there were two done by lipreaders who do this professionally for the courts or for public communications purposes. In both cases the readers are deaf. b) people who do lipreading for various other purposes, such as newspaper or television analyses.
--nonverbal communication analysis. This is the area where I feel the most comfortable due to the fact that, as most of you know, I am teacher of communication. Ive paid particular attention to nonverbal communication in my course teaching and research. Consequently, this is the area from which I expected to learn the most.
First, I was surprised to see the different interpretations of what was being said. They vary considerably. On one end we have the reading done by someone who has gained a big following by doing lipreading of celebrities at events like the Golden Globe. Shes very good at what she does. See this link for her interpretation:
Note that she only covers part of what Obama says. Following is what she says:
It's about this school. It's short.
I didn't think he did anything. I never saw it. Me me me. Even the lowest kind of people, even they're not happy.
But you already know that, I'm sure. If it even happens, they'll have to board the entrance and the hallways.
Trump talks and completely feels at ease with Obama. You can see it in his body language. It is also important to note that trump was subsequently asked what he and Obama were talking about and he blabs away for a few minutes and never answers the question. I think if it were innocuous, he would have answered the question but he did not. He goes in circular hoops making observations about the interaction.
Then Brian Keith (the commentator who produced the clip above) moves on to a second interpretation, this one from a court-certified lipreader, Jeremy Freeman. The clip was produced by First Edition (but is in above link): Here is what Freeman interprets:
Obama: I can't talk. We have to find a quiet place. This is a matter of importance and we need to do this outside certainly, so we can deal with this today.
At one point trump says, "I've pulled out of that. It's the conditions. I mean, can you imagine that?
There's more to say but it's 1:20 a.m. so I'm headed to bed. I will add to this over the next few days.
On edit, Sun. a.m., 1/12
I added the written version of what the first deaf lip reader said (above).
It does not make as much sense as the second one, but maybe she got part of it. Here is the part she may have correct:
(Obama) Even the lowest kind of people, even they're not happy.
But you already know that, I'm sure. If it even happens, they'll have to board the entrance and the hallways.
First, what is "it"? What even happens?
Could Obama be discussing how things are not going well for trump with his MAGA supporters, the "lowest kind of people?" We know that even trump thinks of them this way, even though he tells them he loves them. We know they are not happy, and it all started with trump saying he couldn't do much about grocery prices.
The board the entrance and the hallways refers to what might happen after the announcement is made.
FWIW, at one of the sites I frequent in trying to see what's going to happen, a post was made just a short time ago with detailed computer password break-in proof. If the alphabet agencies know about this (it is questionable whether they do), then they may very well have what they need. In addition to the password, there is a statistical technique used that makes the vote flipping less obvious. A scholarly paper on the technique and quite a bit of other information was presented.
I woke up this morning with an insight that is glaringly obvious: there is some sort of close relationship between trump and Obama. Where did this close relationship come from? From my reading of interpersonal communication, Obama is in the power seat, but trump knows and is more than willing to use his very strong bargaining cards. His biggest card is the rally he scheduled the day before the Inauguration. The Democrats' biggest fear is another Jan. 6 battle.
If you ever watch crime shows and watch the interrogation parts with the detectives and the suspects, you will note that a very close relationship develops between Good Cop and the suspect from whom they are tying to get a confession.
Now I'm going to introduce another element to all this: the women are not on board with this. This is something that the men of the Democratic party have come up with as a solution and they don't like it, although if it works out in the end, they will benefit. Why I think this:
--Michelle Obama was not even present at the funeral. That might have been planned that way in order to not set trump off. We know she makes him crazy. Plus it affords the opportunity for Obama to devote attention to trump.
--Note the body language when the Bidens arrive and are seated. There is a deliberate shutting out of Joe and Jill by Kamala, while Doug's expression is stoic (His expression is "I'm not getting involved with this" . I got this bit from an interview with Sean Hannity, where he interviews a body langage expert. See this link for both her remarks and visual corroboration.
Continuing with how the women are not on board, notice how completely miserable Melania is. Not only does she look like hell, she is completely shut out and left on the end of the aisle. Trump barely pays her any mind; after all, to him she is just window dressing anyway.
It was pointed out that this is the one-year anniversary of the death of Melania's mother. This could certainly be a big part of her misery, but I don't think that's all of it. I think she just got some bad news about the status of her husband.
Kamala is not on board, either, but at this point I have to wrap this up because I have other stuff to do now.
One last thing: I want to add that I think trump is entertaining some idea put forth by the Dems as to how to resolve this situation everyone is in. I think Obama thought it was farther along than it was (note the comments made by the body language expert about his "horizontal lines" and finger placement). It would be interesting to know if thoe two talked "outside" during the day of the funeral.
Trump is actually OK with getting caught. This was a comment by Rosie, who was astonished as I when she got that perception. With trump it's all a matter of not going to jail and keeping his luxury lifestyle. As long as he can skate with that, he's fine with it.