Special for the nation and VP Harris in 2024 [View all]
March 25 2024 lunar eclipse 5°07' Libra.
March 25 2024 Sibly prog New Moon at 19°26' Pices.
Chart for VP Harris prog to 2024 election in the White House
Years ago, when I was developing my progressed lunar return technique using charts for natural disasters (because the event details were so accurately recorded) I found that many times [but not always] an event chart would have an eclipse from the previous year right on or in hard square to one of the chart's angles.
On March 25, 2024, the USA's Sibly chart will have progressed to a New Moon on the same day as a lunar eclipse [Full Moon] at 5°07' Libra marking that eclipse degree as one of possible importance for the nation. That eclipse degree falls exactly on the East Point [an exact square in true body position in space right ascension to the MC] of vice president Harris' secondary progressed chart [at 5°22' Libra], located to the White House, to election day. The country's chart by virtue of it's progressed New Moon falling on the same day as an eclipse and that eclipse squaring the MC of the VP's progressed chart on election day denote them in particular unlike the president and first lady's charts. New Moon - beginning of a cycle; Full Moon - ending of a cycle.
What is a mystery is the very positive aspect of the Sibly chart on the MC of VP Harris progressed chart at the exact same time as a very negative aspect in the Sibly chart on her progressed chart's ASC. Could it be she becomes POTUS under negative circumstances?