Yeah, It's Time for Mercury Retrograde Again [View all]
Well its that time of year again! Your quarterly opportunity to blame all of your troubles on Mercury retrograde. Beginning on Friday, April 21 (just a day after the solar eclipse in Aries and the start of Taurus season, for those of you keeping track), Mercury will do its apparent three-week moonwalk across the sky until May 14.
Since every Mercury retrograde is different each has unique properties that shift the way we experience this calamity-prone transit what you can expect from this upcoming Mercury retrograde isnt the same as last time. But dont panic! Ive got you covered!
But first, what exactly is Mercury retrograde again?
Mercury moves fast in fact, it takes Mercury only 88 days to complete an orbit around the sun which is why Mercury was named after the Roman messenger god of commerce, who also governed communication, travel, and transportation. (Today, Mercurys role has been expanded to include technology, digital expression, thoughts, and ideas.) Considering Mercurys impressive scope, its no wonder we rely pretty heavily on this planet from an astrological perspective.
Not everything can run smoothly all the time of course, and, on an almost quarterly rotation, Mercury goes through a three-week-long retrograde cycle when the planet appears to stop, switch direction, and move backward in the sky appears being the operative word, because retrograde motion is actually an optical illusion. Although the planet isnt actually traveling in reverse, it just looks that way from our vantage on Earth.
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What to Do About This One..
Thought I'd give a Heads UP for this MercuryRX. Personally I always experience some sort of confusion and obstacles since I started pay8ing attention to it 42 years ago.. your mileage may differ.. I hope so!