**December, 2011 - Prayers, Light and Healing Thread ** [View all]

Despite the dark and cold, spring (and the New Year) awaits. I'm reminded once more of the Camus quote I've posted here before: In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer. We face 2012 with the hope of a better world for all.
As we gather with loved ones and friends to celebrate the holiday season, we also remember the blessings of the past year. I am thankful for ASAH and everyone who visits here. You are an encouragement and a refuge. You have added more to my life than I could ever say, and I hope I have added to yours as well.
The happiest of holiday seasons to all, and let's hope that we will see the things we dream of most in 2012 and beyond.

Disclaimer to comply with DU rules and to protect those who are healers and energy workers from liability: this discussion of alternative and complementary healing methods serves as a means to come together to discuss and share options, experiences and modalities of healing other than the medical model. It is in no way intended to take the place of mainstream medical care/tests. Members are advised to seek the advice of a medical doctor before experimenting with any alternative healing methods.