And Rome is not cut off; for instance, it's where Alito went to laugh about taking away abortion rights:
Samuel Alito mocks foreign critics of repealing Roe v. Wade in Rome speech on religious liberty
(CNN)Justice Samuel Alito, appearing for the first time in public since penning the opinion that reversed Roe v. Wade, mocked foreign criticism of the decision during a speech he delivered in Rome.
Alito -- sporting a new beard -- gave the talk that was largely dedicated to protecting religious liberty last week, but it was only publicized on Thursday by Notre Dame Law School.
"I had the honor this term of writing I think the only Supreme Court decision in the history of that institution that has been lambasted by a whole string of foreign leaders," Alito said, noting they felt "perfectly fine commenting on American law."
He noted one of the critics was UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who has announced his plan to resign in early July, days after the opinion was issued.
Of course, Alito was fine basing his "reasoning" on centuries-old legal decisions from the country he now says has no business commenting on it. FWIW, Johnson was asked about it at a news conference: