would be composed of the children (beginners) who demonstrated their respect and desire to learn the group's values (and live by those standards) by having a baptism by water as adults capable of making that decision. This would be step 1 towards embarking upon the Way.Some in the group would have grown spiritually over the years and be able to offer support between visits from the "mature" ones. (Paul's baby food v. meat.)(The parable of the master who gives his servants money to increase.) There was probably a special initiation/spiritual experience to be considered the creme of the select. (Lazarus, the naked youth at gethsemane. Jesus insisted Lazarus wasn't dead.)
Groups were small and simple. In some, the drawing of stones determined who would give the "sermon"; no professional was needed. I don't know if the group contributed comments, but why not? I like the Quaker discussion group way of conducting meetings.
Those in positions of influence would have no delusions about the consequences of straying. When Jesus describes the Law, there is no forgiveness, no reward for faith. You don't get out of prison until you pay every cent of what you owe. They didn't expect all beginners to finish the course. (The parable of the sower, seeds, soils.) I'm sure it wasn't a perfect way of teaching Truth, but it seems to have worked better than how things evolved...That's what happens when the children run things.