Hello Everyone,
In 2021, to close out the year, we re-ran the year’s expeditions in a reduxed format over the holiday season to give people another chance to experience these events and reap the rewards when time is perhaps a little more available. That proved to be very popular so we are pleased to announce that we are doing it again.
Here are the dates:
Expedition 5 (Exobiology): 24th Nov – 8th Dec
Expedition 6 (Blighted): 8th Dec – 22nd Dec
Expedition 7 (Leviathan): 22nd Dec – 5th Jan
Expedition 8 (Polestar): 5th Jan – 18th Jan
So... While I was expecting them to do this, this is not exactly what I expected. Each expedition has unique rewards from ships to cosmetics to base building parts and more. Last year, they did a rerelease of the first four expeditions and with the release of the Switch port, I thought they would rerelease all 8 expeditions giving the Switch players a chance for all the goodies but... It seems not. It's kind of a shame because the best reward was the Golden Vector ship from the first expedition.