In a accident with Subaru Crosstrek with Eyesite [View all]
Eyesite didnt appear to detect me moving into the lane. The subi was in my blind spot apparently for some time. I attempted a lane change and my tire came into contact with the subi driver side.
I drive a big tall vehicle (not gonna name cuz accident just happened and dont know outcome yet)
I was surprised to log in to the claim and see the other vehicle had driver assist camera and capabilities but didnt help the driver avoid my blind spot lane change.
Also, researching the capabilities of Eyesite and find that crosstreks with this capability has class action lawsuit.
Cameras only able to record 22 seconds so maybe will help resolve the case. Or maybe not.
I was asked in phone recorded interview who I thought was at fault. My answer. No comment.
My first accident in this vehicle in over 120,000 miles of driving it. Drove it halfway across country multiple times and from Anchorage AK to KC MO. Stupid blind spots. Stupid driver assist. 🙄🙄🙄