I have to choose a new plan [View all]
My current carrier offers several plans and I need to ask what is the difference. Different cost - for what?
But I stared checking the list of provider and could not find my GP.
Then I remember that I had a letter from the Chief Medical Officer of that network telling me that they've contracted with two other insurers.
I really do not want to change doctors. For one, that clinic is only 3 miles away from my house.
Thus, I either have to change insurer or continue to use my doctor as out of network where I will have to pay 40%.
Prescriptions deductible are $300 with my current insurer; $415 if I switch to a Blue.
My total prescription this year has been around $300, about half was for EpiPen. And $47 for the new Shingle vaccine.
And then there is a letter from Medicare that offers "Option 3 - change to Original Medicare and add Part D. I have no idea what this is about and, of course, whether my doctors will accept this.
I really need to start making calls. What bugs me is confusing seniors with these details.
And, yes, I prefer to stay with a non-profit insurer (in theory) one that is not listed on the stock exchange.