any recipes for homemade safe..effective... rattlesnake repellent? [View all]
I live in the mtns and we have Pacific Rattlers everywhere. Three of my 4* dogs get Red Rock rattlesnake vaccinations every year. However I still don't want the rattlesnakes in my yard. I have been using various snake repellents...'Snake Away' apparently isn't making the liquid any more? The liquid is fast and easy as I can quickly walk the parameter of the fenced yard and spray as I go. But my overnight sprinklers require a reapplication every day
* I have inherited a small rescue that needs his rattlesnake shot but he's too (fear) bitey to take to the vet..esp now with us unable to accompany the dog into the bldg.
I have some of the granules but I just now went thru a 12$ bag of granules and didn't even get to the fenced kennel yet. I have read about the various home made remedies...most contain essential oils and/or garlic,onion,salt etc. Some essential oils I know are toxic to pets.
Sooooo my big question is: has anyone successfully made a pet/human safe homemade snake repellent? I don't want to start ordering large quantities of these oils etc until I know if they do or don't work. My yard is too rocky for a snake fence and that would just trap them In the yard as well.