A Stolen valor turd and teb sarcasm battle of LaGuardia [View all]
Im in early gotta trailer heavy equipment on trailers I bid off the road now the yard man ,lets get em on chain this shit down so it can ride and nope I aint dragging it to deliver , its union and I suck up all the overtime I can get. Seeing as how I volunteered for a 3 week layoff paid by unemployment to fish and goof off. But now were on standby to be standing by as the mechanics trying to get a loader started. Not my problem Im going to drink coffee.
So mr stolen valor is telling everyone his DD214 is sealed for 100 years by orders of the pentagon cuz all his black ops. I smell bullshit or a chapter case ,Now dude is my age 53 and in the 80s. Nothing was going on except for Central America that we was the SF communities baby all that force multiplier shit.
So I started telling the fellas about the Battle of LaGuardia it was one big shit show that went sideways. The air force fucked up dropped us the 325th PIR to close to the British ramparts. on the bright side we didnt have to hump as far to storm the ramparts. It was shit on the Dz mister Ed one of our platoon horse had a broken leg fucking riggers.
Me i trying to find my crickets not clicker not the modern ones the boys used in 44 on D-day my airborne brethren no we had actual crickets so we could all hook up in the dark and confusion . And I said yup 0200 in morning Im looking for my crickets SFC Wilbur is crying cuz he has to put PFC mister Ed down no slam on SFC Wilbur shedding tears we all loved PFC ED he was all heart AIRBORNE . Mass confusion men I told em having coffee in break room but hey we took the airfield, split the runway in 2 and started bringing in the legs so they could move off and engage the British.
So my buddy jay who has been a steering wheel holder truck driver longer than me and who wont retire and take his pension. Jay is cool we ran union linehaul together for years on freight boards he a marine vet battle of hue. He asked what happened to mister Ed , I said marine Corp ate his bloated carcass I heard on there way out to the ships.