Shinseki has been a shot in the arm for the VA. Under his tenure he has modernized the system, new and better equipment has been purchased, the staff is much more reliable and younger, dedicated to what they do.
When I worked for the VA, soldier suicide, MST, women's issues and treatment became priorities. The VA is the largest health care system in the world, (fwiw, it's "socialized medicine"
, and there are going to be problems. Shinseki has made the right moves in Phoenix and one must remember, this is a localized problem at this point. The calls for Shinseki to step down are ridiculous and unfounded, this man cares about vets and has addressed every vet problem that has arisen.
Shoot from the hip people want someone to blame, they have them in the people that Shinseki relieved of duties, and in damn near record time. We'll see how much further this goes, but to me, it's an isolated case. I'm in the Boston Area VA system and have nothing but the highest praise for them. Even in civilian hospitals, thr are problems, especially with insurance claims; before the monkey's start tossing wrenches, they need to know the incident with a system does not a make a breakdown inevitable.
If you are a vet, please get involved w/the VA, it takes a bit to get into the system and timing might be a bit long between the time you sign up and see your Primary Care professional, but it is worth it. I'm going in for a thyroidectomy on 2Jun14; I've had other medical issues that have been taken care of as well, all of them positive.
Keep Shinseki!