When Max Cleland was running the VA, the times were slightly different, but he too make the VA a close to state of the art system. Once Max's tenure was up, the VA went down hill. Shinseki has revitalized the VA. He has made service connected potential suicides a priority, sexual abuse has become a priority, women's health has become a priority, veteran homelessness has become a priority.
Under Shinseki, the VA has become a a place where new employees, both professional, semi-professorial and staff members are caring about the veterans they serve. This is a new VA; once you are in the system, things happen. I am going in next month for a thyroidectomy, they have done very well by me, and I expect nothing but the best treatment. I urge all vets to get into the system, (can be a little ponderous, but we're vets, we're used to that), and the wheels start turning.
Shinseki is a "don't give me any shit" kind of guy, known for getting things done. He was a damn good general, caring for the troops under his command; that hasn't changed since he too over the VA. I urge every vet to start the process of getting into the system, it may seem like it takes a bit to get an initial appointment with your primary. So much can be done online and through the Patient Call Center.
One last thing, if you are even considering harming yourself please call 1-800-273-8255; they will help you.