Surreal Afghanistan boardwalk fading into memory as U.S. troops withdraw [View all]
The Kandahar Airfield Boardwalk, for a decade the surreal yet comfortingly familiar heart of the biggest NATO base in Afghanistan, is closing.
Surreal Afghanistan boardwalk fading into memory as U.S. troops withdraw
By Jay Price | McClatchy Foreign Staff
Posted on Wednesday, September 11, 2013
KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Afghanistan There is nothing quite like coming off a patrol, your body-armor-shaped sweat stains still drying and ears ringing from grenades, only to have the hostess at T.G.I. Fridays tell you to wait a few. Sorry, sergeant, weve got to clear a table.
Or hovering over the desert for hours in a throttled-down Apache helicopter on an oh-dark-30 stakeout, disassembling half a dozen Taliban fighters with your chain gun as they plant a roadside bomb, only to get back to base and discover that the Canadian-themed donut shop is selling just coffee because insurgents blew up the latest inbound shipment of donut mix.
Whats a man gotta do to get a maple-glazed in this war?
Soon enough, he wont be able to. The Kandahar Airfield boardwalk, for a decade the surreal yet comfortingly familiar heart of the biggest NATO base in Afghanistan, is closing down.