I like guns. I have a fair number of them. I have no issues with the ventilation of robbers, rapists, car-jackers or home invaders.
I have contempt for anyone who thinks it their business what I own or carry for self protection just as I have unmitigated contempt for anyone who would make it their business which consenting adult I love, what kind of art or speech I create or consume, or what substances I put in my body; anyone who concerns themselves with those unless and until it ACTUALLY impacts their life, liberty or property is no different than any other useless
authoritarian and will hopefully shuttle off this mortal coil ASAP.
Ideally, there would be a National, SCOTUS issued, absolute right to own or carry any firearm anywhere that is not private property expressly prohibiting same.
On the other hand-
There are people who shouldn't have guns, just as there are people shouldn't drive, fly airplanes, operate bulldozers, or have kids. I had an idiot neighbor directly across the street, who was drunk most of the time and had a Springfield 30:06 by his bedside with which he would threaten his girlfriend every time she cheated on him (apparently a near weekly occurrence). And I totally understand why a resident of San Francisco or New York would think someone nuts to have a loaded high power rifle- even if you do hit whatever scumbag you are aiming at in a big city, that round is going through several more walls and possibly people; dead dirtbag good, dead neighbor in their bed, bad.
I feel the right to carry a firearm, while absolute for any law-abiding citizen, like free speech, has limits and constraints:
-People who will not train with a firearm,
-or are prone to (or have ever used in other than self-defense) violence,
-or will not take proper measures to keep it out of the reach of children or those without mental capacity to use it
(the above not being absolutes, nor all-inclusive, but examples of what I mean)
My ideal compromise would be an absolute, written in stone guarantee of the right to own can carry combined with a national license (yes, I know all the objections) requiring initial training, knowledge of safety, demonstrated ability to operate and secure said firearm.