Gun Control & RKBA
In reply to the discussion: Ghost Guns Are Everywhere in California [View all]jimmy the one
(2,720 posts)I wrote: Not directly does the nra advocate killing of school children...
straw man: So you agree that sharedvalues has engaged in misleading hyperbole? Good to know.
You did not specify 'direct' advocation by the nra, as in proclaiming 'yeah ok to kill children'. Groups can indirectly advocate by actions & words, using clever sophistry & casuistry (you should now for sure of this, being a subscriber of these two approaches yourself).
Even so I personally would not put it that the nra truly advocates for the killing of children - they more or less accept it as part & parcel of the almighty gifted right of being able to keep & bear arms, guns, ar15s, silencers, & formerly, bump stocks.
What straw man wrote: Finally, please show us where in the NRA has advocated for the killing of school children. Verbatim citations only, please.
I wrote: . but they {nra} do condone it by both their inaction and arguments against proven methods of reducing gun violence amongst children.
straw man replied: Lexical foul for misuse of the words "condone" and "proven."
Huh? not really casuistry, nor sophistry, just flapdoodle.