gejohnston Interesting and well written article. It didn't tell a lot of 2A activists what they didn't know, and have been the subject of some pro gun YouTubers. I would also add the partisan alliance with the GOP, which pushes away left of center allies (or not really partisan) groups like Liberal Gun Club and Pink Pistols {gay gun group}.
Hey Gejohnston, just a friendly heads up alert that there is someone with the very exact same screen name as yours who is posting as a rabid pro gun rightwing democrat, on these very boards.
Here's an april 18, 2019 development regarding the new yorker's expose regarding nra (Nutty Rightwingers, Armed):
april 2019:NEW YORK .. in response to an article published by The New Yorker, in conjunction with The Trace, detailing how a small group of N.R.A. executives, contractors, and vendors has extracted hundreds of millions of dollars from the nonprofits budget, Everytown for Gun Safety has filed a complaint about the NRAs tax-exempt status with the IRS, and is calling for federal and state investigations into the NRAs operation as a charity.
Todays call and IRS complaint are based on the available evidence, including:
1 Payments and other financial arrangements with executives and insiders at the NRA that resulted in millions of proceeds going to these executives and insiders;
2 Evidence that NRA employees and officers, including NRA President Oliver North, are paid by outside entities such as public relations firms and insurance companies;
3 The revelation that the NRA Board of Directors Audit Committee retroactively signed off on at least some of the NRAs problematic [financial] transactions.
4 Documentation reviewed by the New Yorker, which was purportedly prepared ahead of an emergency meeting of the NRA Board of Directors Audit Committee in July 2018 to discuss whistleblowing reports, listed concerns including, NRA pays overbilled, deceptive, vague invoices to preferred vendors and contractors and decisions are made in the best interests of vendors.
5 Revelations that NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre has an arrangement that provides for consulting services and personal appearances upon the end of his employment, at an annual rate that starts at his currently contracted final base salary and is later reduced effectively serving as a salary for life.
6 .. the NRAs most recent public disclosures, for 2017, revealed the NRA Foundation gave a $5 million loan to the NRA. The New Yorker article indicated that a financial audit from 2017 revealed that [the NRA] had nearly reached the limit of a twenty-five-million-dollar line of credit
and the NRA was forced to borrow almost four million from its officers life insurance policies
Excuse me a moment, I'm having a sudden attack of schadenfreude. Jammerschaden too.
7 Mounting evidence that the NRA engages in political activity outside of its stated purpose as a charity focused on U.S. gun rights. These efforts reportedly occur in political systems from Russia to Australia and other points in between... ??? East to west or west to east?