I live in his county, and his stance is neither new nor surprising. His predecessor, now in the state senate, took much the same position when Obama attempted to respond to gun violence following Sandy Hook. I sent that sheriff a clipping of an opinion piece written by a sheriff in Idaho, emphasizing that the author was a Republican in a deeply red state; his letter essentially said that his enforcing tasks were not limited to those positions he agreed with. Our (then) sheriff sent me a response that was comprised of poor spelling, incomplete sentences, and snide remarks about me as someone who obviously supported Obama.
The county's elected seats are 99.9% filled with Republicans. The county commission has been entirely GOP for thirty years. Following the recent midterms, which saw the statewide ballots go blue, the commissioners starting talking secession AGAIN (a few years back they tried it and it failed), this time suggesting that the county needs to be part of Wyoming. The county GOP leadership is fomenting for a recall of the one Democrat elected to the state house, claiming that she doesn't do enough for constituents; never mind that one of their own is famous for doing absolutely nothing other than keeping the seat from a Democrat, that being remarked on by the local paper that, more often than not, supports the Republican candidate. They are also quite happy to support the effort to impeach our new governor for being a Democrat.
Informing the philosophical gun conversation is RMGO (Rocky Mountain Gun Owners), whose Dudley Brown demonstrated his humanity by very deliberately scheduling a pro-gun rally across the street from a gathering commemorating those lost at the mass shooting at the theater in Aurora. With good reason he has been described in national publications as being so far gone that he makes Lapierre look like Mother Teresa.
To be sure, there are plenty of good people who live here. Problem is, the local GOP is more concerned with holding the reins of power rather than making sure that good government happens. And Sheriff Reams is just the current poster boy for a county party that seems unusually fond of the Boss Hogg model.