Gun Control & RKBA
In reply to the discussion: A question for this group-- [View all]digonswine
(1,486 posts)I was reading through the exchange after a week--I am not in Tuscon-I am in very safe north central Wisconsin.
I agree that most people have personal security in mind when they carry.
I certainly like the Rules for Gun Fighting you mention.
I disagree with the idea that 99% of hunters are safe. This is patently untrue. There are many hunters here in northern WI that come up from Chicago. We call them, probably unfairly, FIB's-Fuckin' Illinois Bastards.
These are those that buy up the land-making it unaffordable to the locals-post the shit out of it-making tracking deer impossible, and generally screwing up that which was once a tradition where locals played like neighbors.
Their gun-handling skills are worrisome(not ALL of them, of course!)
I have seen some crazy unsafe gun-handling. I have refused to hunt near a few that clearly did not respect the rules of gun-handling and will never hunt with them again. Yet-they can still hunt around me in an unsafe manner.
The idea that we let people decide what makes them safe and allow them that courtesy is a bit nuts to me.
Why are there no warnings on guns that say you are more likely to be killed with a gun when you possess one?
A gun present seems to increase the odds of being killed by a gun.
I can't be reasonably sure-but it would seem as though the presence of a gun, in any average situation, increases my odds of being killed by a gun.
So--don't carry a fucking gun in my presence. Your(not YOU you) right to carry takes years off of my life(on average).
I really don't care what makes people feel better or what is their motivation. This falls under the simple concept of--your right to punch out with your hands ends at my face.
One more thing--you might surround yourself with totally rational and well-meaning gun owners.
I have encountered MANY(more than 2) that have other troubling characteristics-I will mention a few--persecution, stepping on their rights, mistrust of government, to name a few.
Gun nuts are called gun nuts for a reason. It is their biggest thing. The fact that it is their biggest thing makes them the perfect candidates for not being able to carry guns.
And--the studies that are actually available show that having a gun on your person changes how you react to certain situations. OF COURSE it does. Of course it does. The biggest tool you have changes how one reacts.
Finally-I have personally chosen to react to a few people differently based upon the likelihood that they probably have a gun.
This is a problem--it means that the normal social reward or opprobrium is missing.
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