tortoiseA: Hey Mods - how many times will J1 be allowed to personally attack people and insult other posters before he qualifies for the big boot? .. surely accusing other posters of lying on multiple occasions (without justification) deserves some sort of response.
I think the 'Mods' would need you to actually post some of the transgressions you claim I made. I have remained civil, being snarky is not (necessarily) a violation of tos. I have not called you a liar, tho you called me a liar. I posted evidence of you either lying or posting misinformation, while you simply accuse people of improper posting without providing evidence.
I'll give you an example of how to do it:
1) tortoise : ..surely accusing other posters of lying on multiple occasions (without justification) deserves some sort of response.
Examples of tortoise accusing jimmy the one of 'lying', on multiple occasions:
tortoise, Post 42: Finally, J1 goes on to screech that
tortoise, Post 42: So, J1, who's the baldfaced liar here? That would be you.
tortoise, 42: J1 is still defaulting to attempted character assassination and outright lies when he can't prove his point.
tortoise, 42: J1 has created a fanciful Foreign Half/Domestic Half argument out of whole cloth
Now, tortoise, to get the mods to act on your complaint, you need to cite me actually calling you a liar without justification. When I did say you lied, I provided the evidence in a paragraph first.
2) my post 37: jimmy wrote: Tortoise above corrupts what I posted, & below is the proof. Observe how he takes one sentence from the 'british source' out of context, disregarding what followed. That is considered unethical, a misrepresentation, & a LIE, since in context it meant an individual right to belong to a militia:
british scholars: .. embodied in the English Declaration of Rights did not intend to protect an individual’s right to possess, own, or usearms for private purposes.. it referred to a right to possess arms in defense of the realm.
The second time I said tortoise lied, was when he claimed to have discussed Fort Wm & Mary, when he had not mentioned the fort by name, & had misidentified the town where the fort was located (tho town's mis-identity was later understandable).
tortoise: .. the fort I discussed was Fort William and Mary, not Pownall:
jimmy: You lie. You did not mention the fort by name, you insert the name here to save face.
Here is an argument tortoise used, and was later shown to be false: tortoise: The most common definition of "abroad", in the language of the times, was outside, as in outside of your house. This invalidates all the fancy language J1 used while talking about traveling armed in foreign countries,
To follow the thread which provoked tortoise, will show who was more of an antagonist in this.
Posts are nearer the bottom, starting at 22 down.
It seems tortoise became irate after shown to be wrong. Seems mr tortoise can dish it out, but can't take even a whiff of his own medicine.