NOW they are starting to get it - owning and buying guns isn't all about the NRA, [View all]
the fear of gov't confiscations, or supporting the manufacturer's.
Gun owners actually like guns - especially on discount (10-50% off?? Woo Hoo!)!!!
Shit, I own almost as many guns as I do guitars! (and I don't "need" any of those - well - maybe 1 nice Martin, and a good Les Paul, and a sweet Fender...)
"the fact that Hillary Clinton, an avowed gun control advocate, didn't win the election, had no effect on the Black Friday surge in gun buying, why are these enslaved individuals rushing out to buy more ...Because Wayne LaPierre, NRA Head, told them to and he did that because the gun manufacturers told him to. There are almost well over 300 million guns on the street, very near to one per household"
Huh - maybe they STILL don' t get it after all. (BTW probably closer to 400 million - "300 million" has been the estimate for years, and we have been breaking records every year for a decade or so).