We "gunners" understand that the Democratic Party seriously underestimates the political damage that our dishonesty produces. That said, given the many factors that produced our recent loss I'm unwilling to say that gun restriction spelled the difference.......though it very well could have.
Semi-auto firearms are not complex mechanical devices. When a political party repeatedly, over decades tells stupid/obvious lies about the nation's most popular rifle there's bound to be consequences. How do we expect our fellow citizens to side with us on climate change when we hang on to the pathetic "assault weapon" lie? (If you understand how an internal combustion engine functions, you understand how a semi-automatic firearm functions.) And as I've mentioned before, if you think that the Rust Belt wasn't aware of what has happened recently in California and Massachusetts ---- you're dreaming. Period. People don't just get irritated when culture war is directed at them, they get angry. And they express that anger at the polls.
I believe that Hillary was overconfident. She never dialed back her rhetoric approaching the general, and was spouting "gun control" rubbish days before the election. Sure didn't help us, and I've noticed that in the 2016 Postmortem forum nobody is bringing up the gun issue as one of the potential reasons for our defeat. Unreal. Still numb. I don't think we'll ever learn. Confirmation bias rules the day........and the hatred of all things guns won't change anytime soon.
Time for bed.
Edited to add article re. Hillary's Folly: