A silver lining for Democrats regarding the gun issue... [View all]
With a federal concealed-carry reciprocity act in the offing, and with the prospect that Trump will appoint more 2A-friendly justices to SCOTUS, the so-called "gun rights" movement may be topping off at the bountiful victory banquet it has noshed at for some 20 years. (If there is a dessert out there, I don't know what it is.).
Now would be a time for the Party to seriously look at just what it aims to accomplish with its gun control outlook. No need to belabor the many arguments for or against this proposal or that; we've done it many times before. The greater question is why continue on with a culture war by proxy when it has resulted in complete policy failure, and very damaging consequences to the Party and liberal/progressive causes in general? The election results strongly point to the fact that, over the long term, Americans want to put-paid to this miscast issue, and the Party should take heed, turning instead to very real reform. With the NRA, et al no longer able to marshall some millions of now single-issue voters to the polls, the political effect of what is now a defacto arm of the GOP will be lessened. Further, Democrats will no longer have to drag a peculiar smell into the garden party of U.S. politics.
The Party should take advantage of this opportunity.