Gun Control & RKBA
In reply to the discussion: "Connecticut Judge Dismisses Newtown Lawsuit Against Gun Maker" [View all]gejohnston
(17,502 posts)that is just disinformation put out by the prohibition lobby.
In fact, gun companies have been more responsible than car manufacturers in this regard. My Walther pistol has three safeties and a loaded chamber indicator, which is something Walther has been doing for a century. Is it required by German law? No. When Smith and Wesson developed the transfer bar safety to make revolvers drop safe. Did Eisenhower sign a law requiring it? No.
What it really is a variation of an SLAPP suit. The difference is, you target an industry you don't like drive them out of business fighting meritless lawsuits. The gun industry isn't the only industry protected. Can't get a law passed? Sue them out of existence. That is why the Brady Campaign came up with the idea. Of course, they always lost the trial, but some gun store who broke no laws, who sold a gun to someone who later became a burglary victim, and the gun was passed to the drug connection, who used it in a drive by.
It goes like this. Billy Bob's Pawn and Gun sells you a gun. Ten years later, the gun is stolen. Three years later, it is recovered at a crime scene. The ATF traces it back to the gun store and found that it is listed as stolen in NCIC. What does the Brady Champaign do? Sue Billy Bob even though he sold it legally and within ATF regulations, and state and local law. Or, they sue the manufacturer, who also committed no crime and did everything ATF regulations.
Please define safer? What is your experience in mechanical engineering and firearms design? A Heckler and Koch engineers started their own company to make a smart gun. It was a very expensive pistol that didn't work. They sold zero in the EU, including the native Germany. Sports shooters didn't want it, police didn't want it. They got a license to export it to the US only after they failed there, only to find political resistance, besides the expense and not working that well. Smart guns are a cool idea, I would like Jame's Bond's custom Walther P99 too, just not anytime soon.