Gun Control & RKBA
In reply to the discussion: "A gun is designed to kill"... [View all]pablo_marmol
(2,375 posts)"Guns are designed to kill."
Well, then I guess we should all be pleased that SO FEW are actually used for what they're designed for, yes? YES?!
Fewer than 2% of all handguns......and fewer than 1% of all guns will ever be used in violent crime.* (Note that I said 'violent crime' and not homicide!) But let's not let facts get in the way of a good moral poutrage, eh? The 'Guns Are Designed To Kill' "argument" is an infantile little red herring -- insidiously designed to keep the gun restriction/gun rights debate mired in emotion-based poop slinging. Heaven forbid we seek to elevate the discussion desiring conversation that produces light rather than heat! Heaven forbid we maintain "liberal consistency" and focus on actual data! Worst of all, the GADTK "argument" demonstrates how little gun restriction supporters actually care about the victims of gun violence -- attempting to debase the debate as they SO OBVIOUSLY do. In puking forth this ridiculous piffle they also demonstrate that "gun control" isn't at all about saving lives -- it's about the need to exert authoritarian control. For The Controllers this has become a pissing contest that they (foolishly) think they're going to win.
Of all of the intellectually lazy, moronic, dishonest and infantile "arguments" The Controllers puke out, the GADTK "argument" resides near, or at the summit. (summit referring to a mountain of bullsh*t.)