Gun Control & RKBA
In reply to the discussion: Let's call them what they are: [View all]jimmy the one
(2,720 posts)Manalishi: This phrase "assault rifle" is bullshit. Language should clarify thought.
I felt similarly about your OP, regarding your first sentence.
Here are some blogger gunnuts, one owns both an ar15 & an m1 garand, note the remarks on recoil. The recoil (some gunners say lack thereof) from an AR15/0.223fmj is so light it often needs not be re-aimed after shooting 20 shots, which makes for a greater hit accuracy without having to compensate for rifle rise which a shooter moreso would for the garand.
the AR is more shootable (recoil, heft, ergonomics); it is both less expensive and easier to feed (mine is 5.56 chambered, and will take most brass cased 5.56 or .223 ammo; the M1 requires match ammo or similar, and most .30-06 ammo in the stores is loaded too hot); and it is more practical (for home defense - easier to use, and higher capacity..
Sure, the recoil is heavier than a .223/5.56mm AR, but it's still probably the lightest-recoiling rifle ever made that fires a full-size .30 caliber round .. The recoil is a firm push, but not sharp,
The ammunition is much more substantial than a 5.56mm (not bashing, just sayin'...). Recoil is very managable.
Recoil: Not severe, by any means on the M1, but enough to scrape my bare elbows raw after some prone shooting one day. That has never happened with an AR.
My previous thoughts on it, from a few months back:
Still only a small fraction maybe 1 to 3% americans own one (multiples per one owner), less than 3% of national gunstock is ar15; Most all gun owners would NOT want to own one, moreso & especially democrats. I think maybe 50c per 0.223 bullet, for why squander such money at a shooting range?
One of the biggest concerns with the AR15 should be that it has such low recoil for a high muzzle/high kinetic energy 0.223 bullet. There is such little rifle rise as with a heavier bullet, so the AR15 shooter does not need to compensate much at all for recoil, does not have to return the rifle to a shooting position, nor re-aim. Adam Lanza killed 26 teachers & kids, and he was a light guy. The San Bernadino recent shooting, the lady involved weighed about 100 lbs, and carried an AR15 (if report was valid), whether she shot it dunno, but the mere fact that she chose it is crystal clear was because of it's low recoil.
.. what good are assault rifles for? what do they accomplish which another rifle or handgun couldn't do better? They are a well to do white man's toy.