Gun Control & RKBA
In reply to the discussion: Let's call them what they are: [View all]discntnt_irny_srcsm
(18,605 posts) it highlights an important issue. Imagine being a football fan, either kind, American football or what the rest of the world knows as football (soccer). Only there's a twist; all the players have to wear exactly the same uniform. There are no distinguishing markings, letters, numbers, colors or features. I suggest that the game would be a bit more difficult. It would be especially difficult for anyone who was near sighted. Three players cross in front of you with their backs turned. You can't tell who has the ball or what side they're on.
It's just tough being against something (guns, the opposing team...) when you can't identify what you're against.
This is what law is all about.
On July 26, Bakers stand against Healey seemed to become more pronounced in the form of an official letter, coupled with one from Secretary of Public Safety and Security Daniel Bennett, which questioned the policy change. Bennett went so far as to do a nuts-and-bolts comparison to two firearms which would seem on the outset to be very different a banned SWD M-11 Mac-10 style pistol and a Colt M1911 .45 as an example of how the law could be manipulated under her offices new guidance.
For instance, wrote Bennett, the SWD M-11, one of the weapons banned by the statute, has a spring-loaded detachable magazine that pushes live rounds upward vertically; uses center-fire cartridges; has a gas-powered semi-automatic action; and has an ejection port on the right-hand side of the weapon. So does the M1911 pistol.